people's Lawyer


Consumer Law Basics - Know the Law

The Center for Consumer Law, in cooperation with the Houston Bar Association Consumer & Commercial Law Section, was proud to announce a free Friday afternoon CLE seminar to assist attorneys who develop some basic knowledge of consumer law. The October 23rd Seminar included experts from across the state who will gave an introduction to the many facets of consumer law. Extensive materials will supplement the brief program, providing even more information about the many laws that help you represent consumers.

Insurance (Chapter 1)

Debt Collection (Chapter 2)

Suing Builders (Chapter 3)

When Car Dealers Go Bust (Chapter 4)

Contractors Liens and Performance (Chapter 5)

Landlord Tenant (Chapter 6)

Collecting Attorneys Fees (Chapter 7)

Deceptive Trade Practices (Chapter 8)

*To play these videos, you will need to install Apple QuickTime.  QuickTime is a free program that allows you to stream these videos with ease.  To download QuickTime, visit: