Make copies of this page and check several funeral homes to compare costs.

* Basic services fee for the funeral director and staff: __________
* Cost for disposition of the remains:  __________
Traditional burial 
Immediate burial 
Immediate cremation
If the cremation process is extra, how much is it?
Body donation to a medical school or hospital
* Other services: __________
Pick-up of body
Forwarding body to another funeral home
Receiving body from another funeral home
Other preparation of body
Least expensive casket   
Description, including model #
Outer Burial Container (vault)
Description Visitation/Viewing-staff and facilities
Funeral or memorial service-staff and facilities
Graveside service, including staff and equipment
Other vehicles
* Cemetery/Mausoleum Costs: __________
Cost of lot or crypt (if you don't already own one)
Perpetual care
Opening and closing the grave or crypt
Grave liner, if required 
Marker/monument (including set-up)